Step 1 of 3 33% Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Social Security Number*Name (Spouse or Partner Living in Residence) First Last Date of Birth (Spouse or Partner Living in Residence)* MM slash DD slash YYYY Social Security Number (Spouse or Partner Living in Residence)*Current Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code New Address (If Purchasing New Residence) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Purchase Price of New Resisdence*Date of New Residence Purchase* MM slash DD slash YYYY Number of bedrooms*12345678910Number of bathrooms*11 1/222 1/233 1/244 1/255 1/266 1/2Do you have a fireplace?*YesNoHow many fireplaces*12345Do you have a basement?*YesNoIs the basement finished?*UnfinshedPartially FinishedFully FinishedDo you have a garage?*YesNoWhat size garage?*1 car attached1 car detached2 car attached2 car detached3 car attached3 car detached4 car attached4 car detached5 car attached5 car detachedDo you have a sump pump?*YesNoDo you have a battery back up sump pump?*YesNoDo you have any jewelry you would like scheduled on the policy?*YesNoWhat is the total value of the jewelry your want scheduled?*Do you have a pool?*YesNoDo you have a trampoline?*YesNoThis field is hidden when viewing the formIs there a fence around the trampoline or is it netted?*YesNoDo you own a dog?*YesNoIs your dog one of these breeds?*YesNoPit Bulls & Staffordshire Terriers Doberman Pinschers Rottweilers Chows Great Danes Presa Canarios Akitas Alaskan Malamutes German Shepherds Siberian Huskies Wolf-hybridsDo you have a alarm system monitored by a company?*YesNoYear roof was replaced*20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990Age of wiring (In years)Age of plumbing (In years)Age of heating system (In years) Current Policy File Upload Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 98 MB. This is not required, but if readily available, please upload your most current insurance policy coverage declarations pages in PDF format so we can see the exact coverage limits you'd like us to compare. These can be easily downloaded from your online profile with your current provider (if you have a login), or from your current agent.